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Contra Dance w/ Monday Nite All-Stars & Kath Tallichet calling

  • We dance at Highlands Community Campus 1228 East Breckinridge Street Louisville, KY, 40204 United States (map)

Dancing Well: The Soldier Project is excited to announce our partnership with Louisville Country Dancers. We will be holding our uplifting dances for veterans and families impacted by PTSD or brain injury on Monday nights before the contra dances at the same location. Dances are simple, led by a caller, and we need volunteer dancers to help our veterans! Dances are held monthly to live music by Tom Cunningham and Kate Sanders of Hot Coffee Breakdown. Snacks provided! January dance is this Monday, January 23 from 5:45-7:15. Just show up or email Deborah to be reminded:

Come to dance with us, then stick around for the contra dance. Help others while having fun!

FREE Intro to Contra Dancing lesson in the Barret Room promptly @ 7:30 p.m.

$10 Admission for Contra Dance