Somethings old, but not so different!
Monday, May 29th, 8 pm
LCD is an affiliate of the COUNTRY Dance & Song Society. Country dancing includes a lot more kinds of dancing than just long lines facing each other as in Contra Dancing! Most of you have danced at least a few squares, maybe a triplet now and then, big circle mixers, 4 facing 4 dances, or Sicilian circles among others. Some of our LCD leaders came up with the idea of a whole evening exploring formations other than standard contras. Our LCD Chair, Beth Brokaw has again recruited a Cavalcade of our favorite local callers to offer a sampler of some of these different variations for our enjoyment.
Music by our fabulous Monday Night All-Stars
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Earlier Event: May 22
Monday Night Contra with the All-Stars & Chris Bischoff & Jerome calling
Later Event: June 5
Contra Dance w/ Monday Nite All-Stars w/ Deborah calling